Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Bare walls

Hello stitching friends.

I have a few days off work this week. I am spending some of the time moving accessories, books and taking things off the walls in our two front rooms.

Why, you ask...? Well, we have talked for several years about gutting the plaster in these rooms and getting drywall hung. So, it looks like the time has come for this project. I have been dreading it. We did our kitchen and upstairs bathroom a few years ago. I still remember what a huge mess it was. I know it was worth it in the end. But still.... What a mess.

The demolition work is scheduled to start this Saturday. So, I have to get my rear in gear. My daughter, hubby and I made a big dent in things this morning. Books, electronics and accessories are going upstairs to be stored, and furniture is going to the garage. Our son and his friends will move the furniture.

I know I will be glad to get this done.

I am still planning to fix Easter dinner for our family on Sunday. I will still have a kitchen. Actually, the way our house is designed we will be able to come and go through the back door into the kitchen and then upstairs without having to go in the demolition area downstairs. So, I'm hoping that will help with the mess carry over.

Wish me luck on keeping my sanity. Framed stitching is safely stored upstairs in our bedroom already. I still have stitching supplies to take upstairs, and my book collection.

Sorry this isn't a stitchy post, but needed to talk about the upcoming mess around here I guess.

I will keep you informed of progress.
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Friday, March 22, 2013


Hello stitching friends!

I am very pleased to say I have a finish....

I finished Red Cottage by Paulette Stewart of Plum Street Samplers. I like this one! Although I will admit the small house and flower stitched over one was a challenge. I did use my magnifier for some of it....

I will have to do some stash searching to decide what is up next.

Like so many of you, we are longing for Spring around here, but the weather is not cooperating. We have snow in the forecast for Palm Sunday. It was supposed to be a size able accumulation of snow, but luckily it is tracking farther south, so we are on target for about 2".

I have been keeping busy with stitching and reading as usual. I finally read Gone Girl. It has been circulating a lot, so I decided to see if it was good. I have to say I enjoyed it, different than what I have been reading lately.

I have read that google reader is going away.... Now I'm going to have to decide what RSS feed reader to move to. I have read that some of you are moving to blog lovin. I will have to check it out. I'm sorry google is leaving reader behind. I dislike the bother of changing things like this.... Especially since it has been working fine.

I did pick up these potted daffodils to add some Spring to our house, since it isn't appearing outside.

Happy stitching friends! Now I'm off to do some stash perusing to see which project will be up next. I will let you know.

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Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Ready for Spring...

Hello Stitching Friends.

I have a finish photo to share! I pressed the Spring sampler so it was photo worthy.

It turned out to be a pretty finish. I have had the chart and linen for several years. I'm glad I got it stitched up.

I am home from work today nursing the nasty cold I have. I don't want to share this with my co-workers. I took some NyQuil before bed, so at least I did sleep last night, even though I'm sure it wasn't pretty! Poor Mike...

Not sure that I will accomplish anything today. We did get a fair amount of snow from yesterday's storm. Probably around 4" I would guess. The wind did pick up in the afternoon as predicted so we had drifting snow on the country roads.

I thought Spring was going to arrive early, but these last two big snows has made it seem farther away.

The birds were busy at the bird feeders yesterday. They are fun to watch.

I did put a few Spring themed stitching items out over the weekend. Easter comes at the end of this month already. Seems early to me. I should get the box of Easter things out, and display them. It's too bad when a holiday slips by without bringing out the seasonal decorations for it....

Well hope you are finding time to stitch!
Take care.

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Sunday, March 3, 2013

Marching along

Hello Stitching Friends!

Mike and I took a road trip last weekend to Saint Charles, Missouri. We were celebrating our 29th wedding anniversary. We had a great time. It was good to get away from home for a change of scenery. Saint Charles has a quaint Main Street with brick streets and sidewalks. Lots of cute shops as well. I located the stitching shop there, "Stitches, Etc.". It was fun to look around even though, don't faint, I didn't purchase anything!

I have seen a couple of new releases from Market that I am drooling over....Three tulips

I just love the three tulips design!

This weekend has been more low key. I have been wanting to 'shake things up' around here and rearrange the living room. So my son promised to move furniture for me, so Saturday morning we were the first two up, we proceeded to quickly attack the living room. We moved everything and moved a few things more than once before we settled on the new arrangement. I like rearranging for a fresh new look and the opportunity to clean good under everything. We were almost done before Mike got up, and completely done by the time Holly was up. Which was a good thing because Holly isn't a big fan of our rearranging madness. ;)

Mike and I travelled to Starved Rock State Park today with another photographer friend of ours. The guys hiked a trail into the park to shoot photos of the ice fall formations. I kept myself amused stitching while waiting for them.

I have come down with a crappy cold this week, so have been drinking hot tea and using cough drops. I can't or shouldn't complain it's the first cold I've had this Winter.

We have snow in the forecast again this coming week. We had a snow day last Tuesday, when it was bad enough to close the library for the day. We got about 8" that day. Whoo hoo! Those days are such a guilty pleasure. Especially if the power stays on!

I started this beauty last night

I finished the Prairie Schooler Spring sampler from my last post. I will share a picture next time after it's pressed....

Mike took pictures of this funny looking pelican last weekend. He was posing standing on the frozen river.

In closing this long post I will share a picture of our last snowfall taken from our kitchen door.

Happy stitching everyone!

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